Dartmouth Free Press Interview: Cathy Young
The Dartmouth Free Press gives the "libertarian lowdown" with Cathy Young:
And one writer talks about the seven month slog to Election Day.
DFP: What is your opinion on President Bush’s call for a Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage?SEE ALSO: Bernie Sanders interview.
CY: I don’t think we should amend the Constitution to make social policy. On a strict libertarian approach, marriage would be deregulated completely and people would be allowed to conclude whatever contracts they want to—same sex or opposite sex. Churches, synagogues, or other organizations could decide on their own what kind of marriages they want to solemnize. It is an interesting idea, but it has some consequences that have to be thought out...
DFP: Given these recent events, do you think the United States is becoming more conservative with regard to social issues, or do you think this is a reflection of an already evident social divide?
CY... Then we get people like Ann Coulter and Michael Moore, who I think are sort of evil twins. Well, Ann Coulter is much better looking but they are still evil twins. Maybe Ann Coulter is the anti-matter to Michael Moore or vice-versa? Anyway, I do think the blowhards on the left and the right are sort of mirror images of each other. One of the consequences of this diversity is that people can withdraw into their own niche culturally where their ideas never get challenged and spend their time talking only to like-minded people...
And one writer talks about the seven month slog to Election Day.
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