

Duke columnist: Hate Bush? Boycott economy 

"So imagine if Howard Dean went on national TV and said the following: 'Friends, every single dollar you put into the economy is an indirect campaign contribution to George W. Bush. So as part of our effort to take back America, it's time to seriously tighten our belts. I'm asking you as a personal favor to grow your own food until further notice.

'You need to ask yourself which of your daily expenditures are really necessary. Do you really need to shower by yourself every day, when communal showers taken once monthly will save drastically on water and electricity bills? Are luxuries like toothpaste, laundry detergent and toilet paper really worth another four years of Republican dictatorship? I think not...'"

SEE ALSO: At the University of Alabama, a Crimson White columnist comes out against capital punishment: "An eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth. It's embarrassing that people still justify state-sponsored execution with this glib, simplistic dictate coined 3,000 years ago by backward desert folk..."

And another Crimson White columnist responds to comments on his December op-ed, "I accept the label of religious bigot,": "Judicial activism is fast seeking to transform our nation from the basis upon which it was founded, Christianity, into a model befitting secularist, sinful Europe. I personally believe God cannot continue to allow this nation to prosper when we are kicking Him out of every place that once held Him in the highest regard..."

How absolutely terrible. Whatever shall we do. Bring back stonings, I say!

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