

Here's one class next semester... 

... that I'm looking forward to:

COMSTU 485 B Special Topics: News Media and Political Power

This course tracks the journalist's influence on the politicians ability to gather and exercise power, from Weimar Germany to the 2004 presidential election. Students will observe how agenda-setting swtiches back and forth between officials and journalists, and will analyze the circumstances under which independent watchdog journalism can work. Comparative case studies will examine Weimar Germany, Watergate, and U.S. policy-making during the Vietnam and Iraq (2003) wars. Students will also study the Monica Lewinsky-Bill Clinton scandal and a Montana newspaper's successful campaign against hate crime in the 1990's. The latter part of the course will follow how 24-hour cable television news, the Internet, political advertising, and talk show culture are influencing America's 2004 presidential campaign. Course resources will be drawn from readings (e.g. Thomas Patterson, Kathleen Hall Jamieson, David Halberstam, Marvin Kalb, Paul Bookbinder, Facing History and Ourselves), film ("Not in Our Town"), and other sources...

Tues. 6:00-8:30pm
Taught by Ellen Hume, who has served as Executive Director at the Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, White House correspondent for The Wall Street Journal, and a reporter for the Los Angeles Times and the Detroit Free Press.

If you go to UMass Boston, you can register right here.

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