

The Mass Media 11/13/2003 

If anybody's picking up the print edition, don't be freaked out by the total lack of apostrophes.

University Gears Up For Self-Study, Accreditation, by yours truly.

Senate Notes: Resolution Against HB 2400 Passes. The senate president, last I heard, has yet to veto it, and if he does, it will have to go back to the full senate. All this back and forth, back and forth...

Nick of Duck Season has comments and questions on it.

More MassPIRG stuff: A student senator takes issue with the last two weeks worth of Senate Notes.

The joint education committee at the Massachusetts Statehouse, which is considering 2400, will not vote on it next week. I just called the offices less than an hour ago, and while they are meeting next week, Tuesday at 1pm, they won't vote on 2400.

And, finally, the News Briefs column.

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