

AP: BC student newspaper, administration grapple over lease 

"Boston College has asked a school newspaper to refuse ads for birth control, alcohol and tobacco, prompting protests from the editor and board of the student paper.

The Jesuit college made the request to the independent newspaper The Heights in September as part of the terms of a new lease. The 32-year-old newspaper's yearly lease for a 20-foot by 30-foot basement office ends at the end of December..."

A more informative peice at Boston magazine:

Since the Heights established its autonomy three decades ago, the university has watched closely over its shoulder; the prohibition against accepting ads from abortion clinics, in fact, dates back to 1978. But never before has the school gone this far. In addition to the bans on ads from liquor makers and tobacco companies, Boston College would require the Heights to adopt a code of ethics written by the university (the newspaper points out that it already has one), offer campus organizations at least a 50 percent discount on advertising (a move that would slash revenues by almost 15 percent), hire an ombudsman (the editors say they'll consider it), appoint a board of directors (done), and establish a faculty advisory board (no way). As the paper argues in its written response to the lease proposal: "The Heights cannot agree to this provision because it would dismantle the wall of separation between the Heights and the administration."
The administration, from the sound of both articles, appears to be more than annoyed that this dispute came into the public light...

Romenesko pointed us to the Boston magazine article, but also links to an article on the situation at Texas A & M University, where student journos will possibly get a "revamped" degree.

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