

Primary Colors Author Stops By UMass Amherst 

Joe Klein of TIME, on the upcoming election: "Reality is about to collide with political process - it doesn't always happen. This election is out of the hands of politicians. It is going to be decided by Iraq, homeland security and the economy."

ALSO: Boston Globe editor stops by as well:

"Turner said he has written editorials directed at the Globe's own editors, specifically the news department's lack of focus on policy coverage during current Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney's election campaign. Turner said he believed the news drifted too much into a focus on Romney's Mormon religion.

According to Turner, one thing the editorial department strives for is accuracy. 'My own instinct is to be on top of the news,' he said..."

Faculty and staff lobby in Boston.

MORE: Apparently they were loud enough to hear in a person's office. "do you think if i ask them nicely, they'll go protest somewhere else?" asks Kellen. (from boston common)

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